Mantahaa’s Employee Care Method

Corporate Wellness

Empowering well-being to thrive off and on work.

There is no growth without health. Don’t you agree?

According to The Harvard Business Review, a corporate wellness program is not a perk or something extra anymore. It’s a strategic imperative. It involves leadership at multiple levels, strategic alignment of beliefs and aspirations, internal and external partnerships, and a design high in relevance and quality. If done right, an employee wellness program can sometimes show impressive ROI returns as high as six to one.

Health promotion at organizations is needed even more due to the changing workplace dynamics. The pandemic COVID-19, remote and hybrid work culture has complemented the sedentary lifestyle that already existed. Increasing, even more, the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, depression, and infections.

Mantahaa is the only certified Health Promotion Director for Corporates and Public organizations in Pakistan. She has been certified by The Cooper Institute, Dallas; United States. Dr. Cooper along with his team of experts in fitness, nutrition, corporate psychology, and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies came up with this program after 40 years of extensive research.

Having researched wellness at Walmart, Devon Energy, SCB, Loreal, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Sandoz, Jubilee Insurance, and Citicorp. We not only deal with medium to large-scale organizations but also formulate wellness programs with 50 or fewer employees.

According to Mantahaa’s experience, Successful Managers were rated on their Intelligence and emotional quotients back in the time. Nowadays, CEOS of Fortune 500 companies are not selected just on the basis of their IQs or EQs. Their PQs i.e their Physical Quotients have become equally or even more important than before.

Mantahaa’s health and wellness methods provides a highly personalized and totally customized commitment to her client’s lifestyle needs.

For details on our corporate wellness programs, write to us at

What's Included

Mantahaa’s method of corporate wellness is strategically designed to prevent long-term illnesses, achieve your fitness goals, boost confidence, and stay youthful longer.

Outlining the Health and wellness goals

This is the time when my team and I get to know your workforce better. Meetings with the management help us understand the vision, mission, and expectations of a health and wellness program. We take the time to meet and speak with the agency, insurance company, and HR teams to understand your organization’s health goals. The research also includes questionnaires and talking to the employees if needed.

Nutrition, health, and mental wellness plan

After thorough research my team and I identify the key factors on and off work that influence health and safety. An intervention plan is then designed to impact the health and corporate cost at levels and all locations. It includes nutrition, fitness, and stress management. All plans are customized on the basis of your body work analysis, personality, and lifestyle. The program is packed with motivational cues to encourage employees to participate. Our plans are not only designed to improve strength and endurance. They are carefully crafted to heal the mind, body, and soul.

Monitoring progress and unconditional support

My team and I provide unconditional support and dont rush your progress. All bodies react and transform at their own pace. A meeting or workshop is held for employees who feel stressed or overwhelmed for any reason. The purpose of our corporate wellness program is to remove obstacles that hinder growth and productivity on and off work. We make sure that health promotional, and mental health program is accessible to all the employees.

Roadmap to holistic wellness and keeping off weight forever.

Being in the best health and feeling good about it should be the lifestyle and not a short-term approach. You learn the concept of the ”Holistic Wellness” approach. A journey to healing your mind, body, and soul.

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Everything you need to boost your confidence while achieving your health and fitness goals